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Gabriel Fagundez

Gabriel Fagundez is the COO of Moove It. A results oriented executive, he has experience leading worldwide teams to match companys' expectations by providing a solid consultancy service.

DevSnack #15: A medley for dev people. Learning about how to make the magic go away, build things good, fast and cheap, bulk inserts and more.

#1 – Bulk Inserts in ActiveRecord

Have you ever been in a situation where your app needs to insert hundreds of rows at a time? Since ActiveRecord doesn’t support it native, we can implement more than one workaround to fix this lack of ability. If we want to keep the code clean, we can also use this wonderful gem, created by Jamis Buck (@jamis).

#2 – Please. Don’t Patch Like An Idiot.

Modifying HTTP resources isn’t new. Most of the existing APIs provide a way to modify resources. They often provide such a feature by using the PUT method on the resource, asking clients to send the entire resource with the updated values, but that requires a recent GET on its resource, and a way to not miss updates between this GET call, and the PUT one. In this post, William Durand (@couac) offers a set of tips in order to use properly the PATCH HTTP verb.

#3 – Make the Magic go away.

In this article, Robert Martin (@unclebobmartin) advices about the implications of choosing a software framework. Basically, never buy magic! Before you commit to a framework, make sure you could write it.

#4 – The Multitasking Misnomer

When we learn to multitask, we’re not training ourselves to focus on more things at once, we’re just teaching ourselves to do things without requiring our focus. In this article Margaret Pagel (@MargaretPagel) share with us her experience multitasking!

#5 – You Can Have It Good, Fast or Cheap. Pick Three!

Most software developers have heard the line “You can have it good, fast or cheap. Pick two.”  This idea relates back to the iron triangle of software development. Since we love quality, but we know that we need to build things fast and cheap due to the requirements of the market, we recommend this article of BrainsLink (@brainslinks)


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DevSnack by Moove-it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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