Moove It is now Qubika. For more information, visit our new website
Visit Qubika

The last week of April marked Moove-it’s participation, for the second time in a row, as a sponsor of the ‘17 Edition of RailsConf.

This initiative continues to represent a fruitful experience for our practitioners, and, as a whole, it entails another exciting opportunity to boosting and broadening our name across the US and International Ruby / Rails communities.

These three intense days were all but sudden and casual networking opportunities, comrade activities, hallway chitchat and biz cards’ exchanges, while, some of the most technically savvy attendees indulged from the keynotes and more technical talks concurrently taking place within the Phoenix Convention Center’s premises.

At the exhibitor area, many curious folks swung by our booth avid to learn more about our business, stacks, and culture. While some of them just passed through to pick up some of our souvenirs, many others hanged in there for a while… We were stunned upon the amazing traction from a multitude of craving techies who immensely enjoyed the Ruby / Rails / Javascript trivia contest for the chance to win a DRONE!! Many just stayed there for almost an hour, while others kept coming back over and over again!!

In the end, another productive and worth-to-repeat experience. Special thanks to everyone who stopped by and the folks at the organization for their continuous support throughout the event.

During the next few weeks, we will be bringing in more exciting news about upcoming participations in other renown technology events. If you haven’t yet, follow us on Twitter (@moove_it) to stay current on the latest…




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