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< 1  min read
March 22, 2013

Performance Matters!


Andreas Fast

Andreas Fast has more than 15 years of experience in the technology industry, starting as a developer to leading high performance teams at international organizations. As Principal at Moove It he works with business leaders to help define their technology needs and objectives.

Here are the slides from my talk on Performance at

Below you can find the mentioned references and tools.

Why does performance matter?

Google Search uses site speed in search Ranking Marissa Mayer at web 2.0 The Google Gospel of Speed Nielsen Norman group on web response times

Tools to measure:

jMeter Rails guides for performance testing

Gems that will help you detect problems

Query Reviewer Rails Footnotes New Relic Perftools


The xkcd comic that inspired the test example. The subscription link to Ben Orenstein’s emails with suggestions to speed up the test cycle.


Measure, know where to look and most important write enough unit/functional tests to avoid breaking havoc on your app!

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