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October 24, 2016

Sponsoring Ruby


Ariel Luduena Karhs

Ariel Luduena Karhs is the CEO and co-founder of Moove It. A passionate entrepreneur and technologist, whose ability to lead development teams and implement leading-edge technologies have been a driving force behind Moove It’s success.

Once more, Moove-it proudly sponsors two of the most relevant events of the Ruby community: KeepRubyWeird 2016 in Austin, Texas, and RubyConf 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Early this year, Moove-it made a huge leap forward by opening its first development office in the US. This step was motivated by three factors.

First, we wanted to give our clients and partners more opportunities to have Moove-it staff working onsite — a nice to have at certain periods of the development process.

Second, this is part of our strategic plan to increase our presence in the US, giving new clients an opportunity to work with a talented team of professionals working in different areas, including web app development, mobile development, enterprise integrations and UX/UI design.

Third, we strive to give back to the community behind the languages we use, including Ruby, what the community has given us.

We truly care about Ruby

Keeping his principle of reciprocity in mind while we grow as a Ruby on Rails Development Company helps us to plan, coordinate, and support activities and events involving Ruby and Rails.

For instance, we are carrying out the third version of the Ruby Apprenticeship, a 3-month Ruby on Rails development apprenticeship.

We have sponsored large international conferences, like RailsConf 2016 in Kansas City, or RubyConf 2015 in San Antonio, Texas.

We have organized or sponsored meetups in the US and Latin America, related to Ruby and other areas of expertise.

And, we are currently supporting, for the second year in a row, KeepRubyWeird next Friday, October 28, and the International Ruby conference (RubyConf) on November 10-12.

Stay tuned

During the current and following weeks, we will be giving more updates about these and other events. If you haven’t done it yet, follow us on Twitter (@moove_it) and stay tuned during KeepRubyWeird and RubyConf!

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