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DevSnack #56: Ideally, web applications should be accessible to everyone. That means including people with disabilities. There are four main areas of disabilities to consider when building an application: visual, hearing, mobility and cognition. Front-end development has ways and tools to achieve this. There’s a standard on how to make web apps and content more accessible to people with disabilities, called ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications). 

#1 – Accessibility: It’s not as hard as you think

In this post, Chris Northwood (@cnorthwood) lists some common mistakes and how to fix them. He also mentions that developing for accessibility is not as hard as it seems, and establishes a quick checklist to know if your web app is accessible or not.

#2 – The web accessibility basics

There are aspects that change accessibility in many page components and parts, like images, forms, fields, tables, lists, headings and things like color contrasts. Marco Zehe (@MarcoZehe) explains ways of improving accessibility in each of these aspects.

#3 – Accessible UI Components For The Web

Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) wrote this interesting post about creating Accessible UI Components. First off, he presents some key conditions a components must have to be accessible and provides a few examples. Then he presents a lot of useful tools, to test and debug the accessibility of your visual components.

#4 – The Modern Web is Broken for People with Disabilities

In this post, Coleman Collins (@COLEMANICEWATER), criticises the current state of the web and Single Page Applications. It shows some examples on why current web apps are not being accessible and gives some tips and resources on how to fix that. 

#5 – Getting Started With Angular And Accessibility

Angular is one of the most used JavaScript frameworks, although so many others has gained popularity in the last few years. This is a quick guide wrote by Ben Teese (@benteese) on how to take accessibility into account when developing with Angular.

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