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DevSnack #21: With the Agile hype, software design has been somehow relegated in the priorities of the development team, sometimes having very little to none design invested in their code. In the following articles, we will see how to include design in the development process through some best practices and principles.

#1 – You Aren’t Going to Need It

Simplification is the key to good design and @vkhorikov explains us how to apply the YAGNI principle to reach a good and simplistic design.

#2 – Death by Over-Simplification​

In this article @hayim_makabee tackles the most common assumptions made by developers who tend to over-simplify their development processes.

#3 – He who promises runs in debt

Technical debt is a problem almost impossible to avoid, but as @codinghorror shows us in this article, it can be cut down by periodically refactoring into a better design. Remember, interest on debts grow without rain.

#4 – Keys to improve agile development

Writing good code is very challenging. Writing good code in an Agile environment is even harder. Here @chrisverwijs leaves us with 5 principles that all Agile developers must keep in mind to achieve code quality and agility.

#5 – So is design dead?

Is design really dead? In this paper @martinfowler guides us through the changes suffered by software design to assure us that it is alive and well.

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DevSnack by Moove-it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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