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DevSnack #33: We all love Agile methodologies and they considerably help development teams to achieve their goals and be ready to respond to change. However, in every team, there’s always room for improvement and many things that need enhancement. In this post we’ll share some interesting links that can help you boost your team productivity and “agility“.

# 1 – Improve Agile Team Velocity

In this post @nyike lists five ways to increase velocity and how to accelerate the team to achieve a critical deadline.

# 2 – Tips for Iteration Planning

@mberteig recommends 17 tips for Iteration Planning in this post. He mentions some different aspects of planning, like task breakdown, iteration duration and inviting experienced people from outside the project.

# 3 – Your team is likely violating the first principle of Agile

The first principle of the Agile Manifesto states “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.” @gammons explains in his post why this principle is so easy to break and how many teams are breaking it. He also recommends how to slim down the process and tools to focus on individuals and interactions.

# 4 – 7 Step Agenda for an Effective Retrospective

Retrospective is a very productive ceremony for Scrum teams if done correctly, and can be used on other Agile methodologies. In this seven-step agenda, @caetano_tc and @paulocaroli catalogue many ideas and activities for retrospectives.

# 5 – When is a User Story “Done?”

In this blog post, @hey_AW explains some aspects of Acceptance Criteria and the “Definition of Done”, and answers the question “What does it mean to be done?”.

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