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DevSnack #19: Developing a mobile app could result in something difficult for someone with little to no background in mobile development. However, building a hybrid app with native navigation and web content simplifies the task. The following list of articles goes through some vital steps on this type of developments.

#1 – Hybrid sweet spot: Native navigation, web content

In this article David Heinemeier Hansson (@dhh), creator of Ruby on Rails and founder & CTO of Basecamp, explains the architectural decisions they took and what things changed between versions when building the Basecamp mobile app.

#2 – WKWeb​View

When developing for the latest versions of iOS (iOS 8 and later), developers at Apple recommend to use their latest class of Web Views, Mattt Thompson (@mattt) gives us a walkthrough between the differences of the older UIWebView and the new WKWebView, along with advice on how to communicate back and forth between Swift and Javascript, among other tips and tricks.

#3 – WKWebViewTips

Shingo Fukuyama (@shingo_fuku) shares some tips he learned while working with the Apple WKWebView.

#4 – Android-Javascript Bridge

On the Android side of things, Md. Minhazul Haque (@mdminhazulhaque) explains the basics of duplex communication between Android native code and Javascript running inside a WebView.

#5 – A Concise Guide to Remote Debugging on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

Last but not least, as a developer you will have to make some debugging at some point. TJ VanToll (@tjvantoll) shows us different tools available to debug these hybrid monsters.

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DevSnack by Moove-it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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