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DevSnack #25: When it comes to learning something new, people might feel a little bit lost. Not knowing where to start can be scary. Let’s fight those feelings and show the path on where to start when learning Ruby programming language.

#1 – GitHut & Redmonk

First, why Ruby? In GitHut, @littleark shows us “the complexity of the universe of programming languages”. The app provides a visualization of different programming languages across GitHub. Our goal, Ruby, is in the top 6. On the other hand, @sogrady does something similar but correlates discussions, via StackOverflow, and usage, via GitHub. In this ranking, Ruby is in the top 5.

So, where do we start?

#2 – Try Ruby

In this site, @eallam and @nickawalsh introduce us to a console prompt and provide us basic lessons to get to know Ruby syntax and simple Ruby functions.

#3 – Ruby in 20 minutes

It is always good to start with the official quickstart. Here we are guided through a 20-minute tutorial where we are introduced to methods, objects and some basic algorithms.

#4 – Ruby Koans

@neoinnovate will push you further in understanding most of Ruby’s features, expecting you to answer correctly to move on to the next koan, introducing you also into testing Ruby.

#5 – Warrior

Maybe you just want to have fun experimenting with Ruby, here @trybloc shows us an entertaining way of learning. Have fun and good luck!

Last but not least, if you somewhere down the road decide to start this journey of learning Ruby, its doc will become your bible.

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DevSnack by Moove-it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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