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Carin Carlin

Carin Carlin is Moove It's Communications Specialist. A graduate of Texas State University with a degree in Media Communication and Public Relations, she joined Moove It's marketing team in early 2021. Carin specializes in social media content creation, copywriting, and more.

With Women’s History Month taking place last month, we have seen what women have gone through over the years in their battle for equal representation. While we have made a lot of progress in the past decades, we still have a long way to go. This is a particular issue in the technology industry, where the percentage of women in technical jobs, already low, has decreased 2.1% since March 2020.

In order to help create a more diverse environment and encourage more women to come into tech, we decided to highlight some Moovers who have made their way through the tech industry. Each woman is one of the many people who play a vital role in our company and we will be touching base on their background, and what has ultimately shaped them to be the person they are today.

This week we have Carla Massola. She is a Client Partner here at Moove It and has been with us since January 2021. She has become a crucial part of our team working with many clients and helping to drive Moove It’s growth.

What motivated you to choose and pursue your career?

I chose economics because it combined both mathematics and social sciences and I wanted to have a bit of both worlds. In retrospect, it has given me a great set of tools to be able to switch between industries and better adapt to changes in my professional life.


Did you face any setbacks for being a woman while studying or working?

Economics is a male oriented environment so I got used to this reality quite soon. I never really questioned it back then or even thought about it. Because I don’t exactly have a linear career, I couldn’t really say that I had setbacks that I could relate to gender specifically. However, it was always true that management positions that required high-level decision making were and are mostly filled by men, whether it is in the financial services, advertising or technology industries.


What do you like most about your job?

The people I work with and trust. I also like the constant learning, creativity, and variety of projects that I can collaborate in. I like that I can work with teams who through their knowledge of technology and product design are enablers, problem-solvers, and creators. Because technology touches so many aspects of everyone’s life today it is amazing to me to see how things are actually done behind the scenes and to be part of it.


Which barriers do you face today?

My hardest challenge today as a working woman and mom, I’d say, is to balance my personal life with my career and ambitions. Being present in my children’s life whilst juggling a full-time job is an everyday challenge.


What would you tell your 7-year-old-you to empower her?

I’d tell her many things (lol) but if I had to pick one message, it’d be to have confidence in herself. That it’s ok to say no and speak her mind when she is not comfortable with a specific situation or something in her gut tells her that it is wrong. To have the strength to choose her own path. Confidence is a human trait that I admire and I think it is at the foundation of will-power.

Carla’s unconventional path into technology has provided her with the skills and knowledge that add to who she is, making her an essential part of her team with her experience in various industries. Thank you Carla for taking the time to be interviewed by our Gender Commission. Until next time for our next interview!

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